* New - This part is a modern era part and it is new from the manufacturer. In many cases these parts were made sometime over the past 35 years and many are new, but old stock.
* Reproduction - This part was remade by a 3rd party other than the manufacturer.
* Original - This designation applies to original Postwar and Prewar parts. They may be used, or unused, but looking at the picture should help you figure out which.
We found it difficult to differentiate between if a part was New or a reproduction and we probably have some of them mixed up, although not intentionally. If we have two versions of a part, you will see two listings. We currently also show the same part multiple times if we have them in multiple bins, this will be fixed in our next parts upload.
We will be adding additional parts as time goes on and many of them are limited to the stock that we have on hand and they cannot be restocked. Our repair shop uses parts on a daily basis and our system is not sophisticated enough yet to deduct what we use internally from the quantity we are offering for sale, so we may not have the part available even though the website shows it. we apologize for this inconvenience if you happen to experience it. The system will not let you order more than what we think we have. If you try to order 6 and we only have 3, it will alert you that you can only order 3.
Over time we plan to allow you to search for parts available by model number, offer better search options, and for the system to be more user-friendly, but for now with the system limitations we are working with, this is all we can offer.
Sorry but if the part is not listed on the site, we don't offer it for sale. We can't offer support on helping you figure out what parts you need, but searching by descriptive keywords like "bell" or "wheel" or by the model number of the item the part goes in, and then look through the pictures. Searching by part number is the easiest way to find your parts. We do also sell a reproduction Lionel repair manual that lists the part number to help you as well.
When preparing a toy train for an auction, do you think it is worth the investment to replace parts, or should that be left up to the person buying the train?
In my opinion, left up to the person.
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