During the month of July, when you sign up for the Trainz Newsletter, we will enter your email address in our in-house drawing for a $25 BP GAS CARD. We do not share or sell your email address with anyone.
The Trainz Newsletter is the perfect way to stay in touch with what is happening at Trainz.com. We notify our customers of the latest news, preorder updates, and general information each month.
The winner of the gift card will be notified by email and we will announce the winner in the edition of the August Trainz Newsletter.
Good Luck! And, Happy Railroading!
On your web page http://trainzstore.blogspot.com/2008/07/sign-up-for-trainz-newsletter-win.html
It asks
---> What scale do you collect?
Our familie's use & Operate both
"G" & "O" Scale & sometimes others.. WEB PAGE will not let us
put both or more???
Sorry about that, the software will only let you pick one. It is just a fun survey, so pick the one you like the most!
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