October 5, 2011

Thank You! Free Shipping on Buy it Now Listings

Feedback means everything to eBay buyers and sellers. As an eBay buyer, you know exactly how hard it is to get to know a seller just by looking at their product listing. You've probably used feedback left by other buyers to help you decide which sellers to trust.

We're honored that you (and others like you) have helped build our feedback rating. Since our first eBay listing a decade ago, eBay buyers have left Trainz feedback more than 200,000 times!

Your "word of mouth" means everything to us, and we want to thank you for letting other eBay buyers know that buying from Trainz will be a positive experience. For the next two weeks, you'll automatically receive free shipping on any of our "Buy It Now" listings in the Trainz eBay Store. It's just our little way of saying thanks - not just for that 99.2 percent positive feedback that gives confidence to first-time buyers, but for the more critical feedback that helps us grow.

We have a lot of items listed on eBay, if you want to see only our Buy It Now listings we've started a search for you.

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